Learning with Digital Technologies /BYOD 

Vision: Learners are empowered to be confident, connected, creative, innovative citizens of tomorrow.


WE BELIEVE THAT…our students live in a world that is fundamentally different than it was ten years ago with new technologies accelerating the pace of change in our world.  With these technologies, we believe we can provide enhanced learning opportunities and higher levels of engagement requiring increased global awareness and emphasizing the need for interconnectedness.  Thriving in this world will not only require mastery of essential content-based skills but also the ability to think critically and solve problems, communicate and collaborate with others, and be creative, innovative and entrepreneurial.


  • Most students in Years 2 -6 will use Google Workspace to enhance learning in writing, reading, mathematics, inquiry (topic) and homework 
  • Students who do not have a device will share classroom devices owned by Browns Bay School.
  • Student learning is monitored through the Google dashboard called Hapara or Google Classroom.
  • Student internet is available between 9am and 3pm.
  • Devices are stored away at morning tea and lunchtime and times when they are not needed.
  • Devices are not to be shared.
  • Recommended device information is available -  a Chromebook is a device of choice.
  • Devices need to be internet-capable.  (no phones )
  • Students will adhere to both the internet use agreement and the BYOD agreement, signed by parents and the student.
  • There will be a balance of learning programs involving whole class, group sessions, handwritten tasks and non-screen times - blended digital learning.
  • If you have parental controls on a Chromebook you need to add your child's school account to the device at home before it comes to school. 

To discuss further:   

please contact Cherie Bibbie or Teresa Burn at bbs@brownsbay.school.nz 

Slide Show - eLearning presentation

What to buy: Browns Bay School has a business relationship with Noel Leeming. They are offering specific deals for Browns Bay School students or discounts on other devices that you may choose. You can visit the Noel Leeming BYOD site for more information or click in the latest deal on the flyer below:

Click here for the latest Flyer

 If you have questions about existing devices that you have you can also take these to the Albany store and they will ascertain if they will meet the minimum requirements for our school.



Information booklet

BYOD Information 

Cybersafety video information for parents

BYOD Agreement - Please complete the form to bring a device to school