Who are F.O.T.S?

We are a group of parents who volunteer to help and support the school with various fundraising and social events. We aim to promote and encourage a close relationship between home, school and community. Every parent/caregiver at BBS is eligible to be part of FOTS.

What do FOTS do?

The F.O.T.S team is a group of volunteer parents/caregivers who meet each month and develop opportunities to:
• Support & enhance our children’s school experience and environment through events and resources.
• Provide a voice for parents.
• Connect parents with each other, the School Board, teachers and school management.
• Fund-raise

FOTS host a range of fun, engaging fundraising activities that create an exciting environment for our kids and unify our school community. In 2024 these events may include:

  •  Secondhand Uniform Sale (Term 1)
  •   Disco or Family Movie Night (Term 2 & 4) 
  •  An  -A-Thon (Term 2/3) 
  •   School Christmas Jingle event (Term 4)


Each year we fund raise for BBS Outdoor Education Days, School Camps, Year 6 Graduation and other special projects required by the school.

How Can You help?

Investing time in your child’s school life is hugely rewarding so come and get amongst it with FOTS! A few hours of your time over the course of a year makes a huge difference. Join in at our FOTS meetings or volunteer your time to help out at an upcoming fundraising event. Meetings are usually held monthly and are notified through the school newsletter and Facebook. Begin the journey of learning more about your school, meeting other parents and forging new friendships.

FOTS Committee

FOTS is made up of a group of parents/care-givers who come together as the Executive Committee, Extended Committee and Helpers. Every year in March FOTS holds its Annual General Meeting (A.G.M) where the Executive Committee office holders are elected.

Find out more about Exectutive Team Roles

Meet the FOTS 2024 Executive Committee:
• Sarah Voss & Morgana Smith (Co-Presidents)
• Melissa Grey (Vice President)
• Siobhan Richards (Treasurer)
• Raymond Ou (Secretary)


For more information: email “fots@my.brownsbay.school.nz”:


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FOTS Constitution:

Browns Bay School Friends of the School Constitution can be found here:

Copy of the constitution