Browns Bay School is proud to offer a wide range of sporting opportunities to our children. We encourage participation and healthy competition in the sports arena. We are always on the lookout for coaches, managers and help with transport. We would love to hear from anyone who can help out! Or, if you have a passion for another sport and can offer expertise, let us know. We often have experts in to share their knowledge.


Miniball/Basketball Y3-6, all year; Netball Y1- 6  Winter Terms 2 & 3, Summer T4 (Mrs Bibbie); Hockey Y3-6 Terms 2 & 3; Splash Polo (Flippaball) Y4-6 all year; Touch T4.

Cluster Events

( 1 field day a year ) 

  •   Term 1 Swimming (Years 4-6)     
  •   Term 2 Basketball,  Cross-country (Years 4 - 6)
  •   Term 3 Hockey, Football (Years 5 & 6), Netball (all Year 5 & 6)
  •   Term 4  Athletics (Years 4 - 6)

Field Days

  •  Term 1 Swimming (Years 4 - 6)   
  •  Term 3 Rugby and Rippa (Years 5 & 6)
  •  Term 2 Netball (Years 5 & 6)

Annual Events     

  •   Barbarians Rugby Day (Years 5 & 6)

Extra  Activities: ·  

  •    Outdoor Education 
  •    Waterwise at Waiake on Wednesdays Y5 & Y6 Term 1 & 4 (Mrs Bibbie & Mrs MacIver)      
  •    We encourage children and families to take part in Shore-to-Shore and Wheetbix TRIathlon  

Our children representing our school must have their own sports uniform.


Sports Uniforms

uniform sport-top.jpguniform sport-shorts.jpg

All children representing the school must have their own sports uniform, which may be worn during school time as well. For more information visit the "Uniform Page":/student-information/uniforms/. h2. Browns Bay School is a Fairplay School

code-of-conduct-fairplay-logo.gif*Our teams (players, coaches, and supporters) agree that when playing we will ...* • enjoy ourselves • play within the rules • respect the referees and umpires • be gracious winners and dignified losers • play hard but play fair



Remember to always play fair ...... Click to see the fair play code of conduct that we expect at BBS! 

Fair Play Code of Conduct