To operate an enrolment scheme for the school to ensure overcrowding does not occur at the school.
- The enrolment scheme will comply with the requirements of the Education Act (Section 11).
- The geographic area described in the scheme shall operate as the school's home zone.
- All students living in the home zone are entitled to enrol at the school at any time.
- Should places be available for enrolments from outside the defined home zone, applications will be considered under the following priorities as defined in the Education Act:
- First priority must be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in defined special programme(s) run by the school and approved by the Secretary for Education – there are no special programmes currently approved.
- Second priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
- Third priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
- Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
- Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
- Sixth priority must be given to all other applicants.
- The school will adhere to the ballot dates for each following year as notified by the Ministry of Education.
- The Board will determine if additional ballot dates are to be set during the school year.
- The Board of Trustees has the right to annul any enrolment where the application was based on false information. The Board of Trustees may also review an enrolment where a temporary home zone address has been used to gain enrolment.
- Applications for enrolment are to be submitted for consideration for all students (in-zone and out of zone) who wish to attend Browns Bay School.
- Applications for enrolment will be considered in accordance with the current legislation and the school zone
- If there are any more applicants in the priority groups 2 - 6 than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989.
- Information detailing application deadlines and the date of any ballot will be widely advertised in advance.
- Pre-enrolment applications will be acknowledged in writing outlining the relevant processes.
- Where out of zone applications have had to be declined, parents / caregivers will have the opportunity to be included on a waiting list should places become available.