At Browns Bay School we ...
Foster a critical spirit in each student by:
Ensuring inquiry is instinctive, a habit for every student that becomes a part of everyday life in and out of the classroom
- strategies are used in the playground
- strategies are used independent of the teacher
Infusing thinking with all aspects of classroom programmes
- It happens at any time of the day, regardless of the learning area
- links are made between learning areas (integration)
Modelling a critical spirit
- asking open-ended questions’
- thinking aloud
- sharing our own learning
- passionate about learning / their own learning
Creating an environment that encourages inquiry and open-mindedness
- interactive, student-generated displays
- changing the environment to suit the needs of the students
- engaging students in cooperative / collaborative learning strategies
Ensuring that students are challenged and their passions are maximized.
- student voice is predominant in the classroom
- Interactive learning
Encourage positive attitudes towards inquiry
Curiosity, passion
- asking questions
aking risks
- self-motivated
Open-mindedness, flexibility
Respecting others
- caring; valuing others ideas and opinions
- these attitudes are acknowledged and rewarded in class and by the school
Ensure students are equipped with and use the right skills at the right time by:
Teaching the skills of inquiry to meet the students’ needs, taught in a meaningful context and applied in a meaningful context.
The Skills are:
Active listening
- ask questions, front/challenge, build on other’s ideas, staying on the topic; reflecting feelings; restating ideas, summarize, validating
Critical and creative thinking
- analysis ie comparing, contrasting, predicting, using graphic organizer; evaluating ie assessing the reasonableness of ideas/opinions; making judgments; generating new ideas; OK to have unanswered questions
- self assessment: what I can and can’t do; next steps; peer assessment
Working cooperatively
- teamwork, collaboration
- learning how to carry out an investigation, how to research; asking questions
Decision making
- learning a considered and reasoned decision making process
Constructing new knowledge by:
building on prior knowledge, making it relevant and meaningful and ensuring it is transferable
Using a range of strategies to find out what students already know
- brainstorming
- mind mapping students discussing what they know with others
Ensuring students understand the purpose of the learning
- teachers discuss reasons for learning
- 'world’ reasons
- school reasons
Providing regular opportunities for students to apply their new knowledge in new situations, not just in the classroom.
- Hook the students into the learning by getting their attention with something interactive and exciting.
- Involve students in solving a real life problem.
- Get students to take action using their new knowledge
- Parent feed back about students applying knowledge at home