How do we achieve this?
Within our school community we ...
• Are Honest, sincere, caring and respectful - Learn to value ‘others’ and develop their social skills through the BBS Values programme
+ Honest & Sincere: e.g. we are prepared to admit mistakes, prepared to say sorry, we front and resolve issues and really mean what we say
+ Caring: e.g. we look for ‘out of character’ changes, take time to check in – saying good morning, ask about things happening at home, make eye contact when we talk, acknowledge and identify with the emotions of others
+ Respectful: e.g. we don't yell and we use positive body language (e.g. smiles)
Are Passionate, positive and optimistic
o Generate excitement for lifelong learning
- e.g. share and exhibit your passions, provide reassurance and encouragement, acknowledge effort, progress and success, let each student know you believe in them, tell student you know they can do it
Acknowledge expertise, effort, progress and achievement
o Use praise and encouragement
- e.g. praise and say why, give certificates, stickers, call parents, reward with time for them or giving them your time, using work as an exemplar
Understand ‘Student Worlds’
o Peer, Work, Sport, Church, Extra-Curricular, Family, Culture, School, E-space
o Show an interest and be tolerant of each other
- e.g. engage in conversations, show interest, actively listen, acknowledge and use their worlds in the classroom programme
Participate with students and give of ourselves
o Be involved in ‘the school life’; show a ‘can do attitude’ and take part
Participate: e.g. take part in activities in the classroom – jump jam, going around the class and having conversations with students, doing art with them, playing games with them, read when they read, join in when on duty- Give of Ourselves: e.g. share our stories, share information about ourselves, show ourselves as learner, be prepared to admit our mistakes, give of our time (in the classroom, extra-curricular activities)
Are Consistent, keep our word and are fair
o Have firm expectations and follow through to build trust
- Consistent: e.g. set and keep to boundaries, avoid pique/moodiness
- Keep our word: e.g. follow through eg mark work when you say you will, keep to dates and times
- Fair: e.g. discuss ways to solve problems, listen to all sides of the story and react accordingly, no favourites or favouritism
Are Patient and we persevere
o Remain positive and work together to achieve expectations
- Patient: e.g. give children time to respond, be prepared to explain things in different ways, be prepared to alter expectations and change tack, encourage students to say they don’t understand
- Persevere: e.g. never give up on any student regardless of who they are or what has happened, let students ‘in’ on your individual expectations of them