Assessment for Learning
How do we achieve this?
How Do we achieve this?
Plan assessment when planning units
- Use assessment data to help with planning
- Decide on Learning Outcomes and criteria before planning the learning activities
- Select the Learning Outcomes to assess
- Design assessment tasks that will appropriately assess the LOs
- Plan using the language to be used with the students
- Be prepared to alter planning as the students’ needs change
- Plan collaboratively to achieve the best planning and student outcomes possible
Share planning and learning outcomes with students
- Share Learning Outcomes, criteria, the learning process, timeframes, assessment tasks
- Learning Outcomes will be displayed and clarified with students
- Learning Outcomes will be:
- written in student-friendly language
- clear and specific
- focused on learning not a task
- context free (often)
Share or Negotiate criteria with students
- Criteria will be:
- Directly related to the Learning Outcomes
- Collaboratively written with students (whenever possible or appropriate)
- Written in student friendly language
- Understood, referred to often and used by students
Provide quality verbal and written feedback and feedforward
- Focus on providing quality verbal feedback and feedforward
- Always link feedback and feedforward to the LOs and the criteria
- The best feedback and feedforward involves the teacher and the student in learning conversations (see Gipps)
- Ensure every student regularly engages in quality learning conversations with the teacher across the learning areas
- Scaffold written feedback and feedforward
Provide examples of quality work
- Exemplars will be linked to the criteria
- Exemples can be those of experts (author, poet, artist), students or teacher modeling
Provide self-assessment opportunity
- Student need to be taught self-assessment skills
- Should be a regular occurrence
- There should be a scheduled self-assessment opportunity approximately once a term per learning area
- Students need support to identify next steps and how to get there
- Self assessment can be informal or formal
- Students keep their own assessment record so they can monitor their own progress and achievement
Encourage peer interactions and suggestions using criteria
- Ensure that the process is safe for students by:
- Model how to do this
- Teach students the skills eg one compliment and one suggestion (constructive)
- Ensure they link the feedback to the criteria