Relationships are important. We value the need to model positive and constructive relationships, realizing that relationships are dynamic and need to be continually worked on.
This helps to develop a sense of belonging and…‘foster a love of learning'. It is a working partnership between: Colleagues, Students, Parents and the Community.
Within our school community we ...
Are honest, sincere, caring and respectful
o Learn to value ‘others’ and develop their social skills through the BBS Values programme
Are passionate, positive and optimistic
o Generate excitement for lifelong learning
Acknowledge expertise, effort, progress and achievement
o Use praise and encouragement
Understand ‘Student Worlds’
o Peer, Work, Sport, Church, Extra-Curricular, Family, Culture, School, E-space
o Show an interest in and be tolerant of each other
Participate with students and give of ourselves
o Be involved in ‘the school life’; show a ‘can do attitude’ and take part
Are consistent, keep our word and are fair
o Have firm expectations and follow through to build trust
Are patient and we persevere
o Remain positive and work together to achieve expectations