At Browns Bay School we have an inclusive environment with participation, engagement and achievement for all learners.

In selecting services, we seek to provide the best possible support to provide equitable access for every child, so they can thrive at our school.

Special needs encompass a wide range of educational, physical, health, emotional, social and behavioural difficulties that can make it more difficult for students to access the curriculum. We foster positive home/school relationships, to ensure the best outcomes for our students with special educational needs.

If you are concered about your child's progress or achievement at any time in their school career, please make an appointment to talk to us.

Funding is made available primarily through the Ministry of Education Learning Support i.e. Special Education Grant, Ongoing Resource scheme, Severe and Challenging Behaviour etc. The Ministry of Education provides support for students with high or very high needs.

The Board of Trustees has recognised special education needs of students and contributes significant funding towards extension programmes, teacher aide support and the provision of additional resources. 

Teachers refer students to the special needs coordinator or senior leader if they consider students are showing signs of difficulty, or where parents have mentioned a concern. Liz Hammelberg is a Deputy Principal with a background as a resource teacher for learning and behaviour and so has a wealth of experience. She is able to support teachers and learning assistants to provide support for students.

In most cases we aim to deliver special needs support within the classroom. At times we will operate outside the classroom where this is considered the best option.


Funded Support for Families

Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour are specialised teachers who work across local schools and give support and advice for managing students with learning and/or behaviour needs. Their service is accessed by application and the teachers work alongside families and school staff to develop an individual learning plan for the child. RTLB support students by working with tecahers and families for up to 30 weeks. They do not provide direct support for students in class.

Ministry of Education Learning Support support students with moderate to severe learning, physical, behavioural and communication needs. This service is also accessed by application. Their focus is supporting teachers and families, not working directly with students.

Public Health Nurses  areattached to Waitemata District Health Board and can provide support for parents and children in the home for a range of health, welfare and behavioural needs. They also provide education and support to school staff in managing particular health needs.

We hope this information is useful. Please contact your class teacher or the school SENCo Liz Hammelberg if you need some more information.