Written Reports 

A mid-year summary will be issued for each student at the end of the second term or the beginning of the third term. A comprehensive written report will be issued in December. These reports include graphs that track a child’s progress in Structured Literacy ( Y1-3) and Maths and Reading , Writing and Maths ( Y4-6)


Parent-teacher Conferences will be held in Term 1. These are a ‘sharing’ conference for parents to share information about their child and for Teachers to discuss where they are in their learning and how they are settling into their new classes. Conferences will also be held at the end of Term 2 or the beginning of Term 3 to discuss progress and identify needs to be catered for. Children are encouraged to attend these conference situations as they have an active role in sharing their learning and in the goal setting process.

Meetings with teachers can be arranged at other times as the need arises. This should be done with the teacher or through the school office.

The Principal is available to discuss matters with parents at any time. Please make arrangements through the school office. Email Us or Phone(09)479-4301.

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