The Kahui Ako Literacy Steering group with representatives from each School has written an article called “Reading At Home” The article is available below in English, Korean and Chinese
English | Korean | Chinese |
Curriculum Levels
The reporting to parents on student achievement in relation to National Standards is no longer a requirement of our school reports. We are now reporting against the NZ Curriculum levels as outlined in the NZ Curriculum document 2007 (Pg 44). The chart below shows how the curriculum levels typically relate to years at school. These curriculum levels are shown on our Progress Graphs in our Data Booklets. The NZ Curriculum have always been a basis for the National Standards.
The achievement objectives in each of the Levels are broad statements yet there are specific tests in reading, writing and maths that support a teacher to make a judgement of a student’s curriculum level (e.g. success at Reading Curriculum Level 3 is at 11 – 12 years based on a Probe reading test with a comprehension score of over 75%). The teacher judgements are shared with parents on the Progress Graphs.
A change that our Year 1 to 3 parents will notice is that we no longer refer to the “end of one year” or “end of two years” or “end of three years” of schooling. The reports are based on the class level the children are in, therefore regardless of the length of time a child has been at school, they are either Year 1, 2 or 3.
How to help at home: